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Apr 1, 2024

For ten whole years, the technologically advanced desalination plant of TEMAK S.A. supplies Hydra with clean drinking water, constituting the pillar of development and prosperity for the island. This plant is the most significant desalination project in Greece, providing high-quality drinking water at the lowest possible price nationwide.

The precious desalinated water has transformed the life of every resident of Hydra. Nowadays, daily life has been facilitated, and the island has become increasingly greener, thanks to the clean water flowing from the taps.

One of the most important features of the desalination project is that not a single euro was required from the Municipality or the Greek State. The project was designed, licensed, and implemented through an international competition by the Greek company TEMAK.

The implementation of similar desalination projects on other Greek islands, mainly funded by the private sector, could be a milestone in solving the problem of water scarcity and contribute to improving the quality of life of the residents.

The negative impacts of salinization and excessive consumption of drinking water are alarming. The depletion of aquifers threatens the environment and future generations, while plastic pollution is a real problem.

However, there is a solution. The installation of similar TEMAK desalination units on all Greek islands, supported by the private sector, paves the way for a sustainable approach to the problem of water scarcity. This pioneering initiative will protect the environment, ensure the availability of drinking water, and reduce the quantity of plastic waste.

Let us join forces to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for future generations. Investing in this technology is an investment in the future of Greece.