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Dec 16, 2010

A desalination plant with production capacity 1000 m3/day, installed in two 40” containers was set in operation on the 03/08/2010 in Chios, to treat feed water from sea of TDS = 42.500 ppm.

The same pland can alternatively treat heavy brackish water from the draining of existing brackish water systems in the area, to produce the same quantity of water.  Additionally, the plant could operate with mixed brackish and sea water.  The transposition to the right operating pressure, depending on the feed water quality, is done automatically.

The system is controlled by PLC S7-300 of Siemens and supervised by SCADA WinCC-Flexible of Siemens.  Through Internet connection the system can be monitored from any other computer.

The system was delivered in full operation on the 03/08/2010, just two and a half months from signing up of the contract.