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Liquid WasteTreatment with UF & RO in Cooling Towers & Irrigation

Apr 15, 2024

The reuse of liquid waste by treating them with Ultrafiltration (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) as make-up water in cooling towers or irrigation water is a sustainable and efficient practice that has several benefits:

Sustainability: Reusing liquid waste reduces the need for fresh water, thus contributing to sustainability and conservation of water resources.

Waste Reduction: Treating waste through UF and RO systems and reusing them as make-up water in cooling towers or irrigation water reduces the amount of waste generated to the environment.

Resource Conservation: Reusing liquid waste reduces the need for new water sources, conserving nature’s resources and enhancing the hydrological horizon.

Cost Reduction: Instead of being discarded, liquid waste can be reused with proper treatment through UF and RO systems, thus reducing the cost of water for facilities.

Performance Improvement: The use of reusable liquid waste can improve process performance, as the water quality remains stable and controllable.

To achieve safe and effective use of liquid waste, it is important to apply the proper treatment, monitoring it, and control the water quality in compliance with local regulations and safety standards.