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New Technologies in the Maritime Industry

Apr 3, 2024

Evolution towards Reverse Osmosis Systems

The international trend towards reducing single-use plastics on ships paves the way for the installation of advanced reverse osmosis systems. In compliance with new regulations, the maritime industry seeks effective solutions for producing potable water within ships.

Reverse osmosis systems present an advanced alternative. With the ability to produce potable water from seawater sources, these systems are efficient and environmentally sustainable, reducing operation and maintenance costs.

Additionally, seawater desalination solutions can operate on a ship even when its main engines are not in operation. The implementation of reverse osmosis systems on ships represents a revolutionary change with numerous advantages:

• Low Water Cost: Producing water through reverse osmosis offers cost savings compared to traditional methods.
• Guaranteed Quality: The quality of the produced water is ensured, providing safety and confidence in its use.
• Low Operational Cost: Operation and maintenance of the systems are economical and efficient.
• Low Consumable Costs: Consumables required for system operation are standardized and cost-effective.
• Short Personnel Training: With minimal training time, personnel can operate the systems confidently and accurately.
• Zero Man-Hours for Operation and Service: Automated operation means no continuous man-hours are required for system operation or service.
• More Pipe-Friendly Flow: Producing water for general use creates a less corrosive flow for ship pipes and metals compared to existing seawater distillation solutions.

With these advantages, reverse osmosis emerges as a comprehensive and sustainable solution for the safe and efficient management of water on ships.

We are ready to inform you about the benefits of new technologies in producing potable or technical water on ships and to help you choose the best solution for your general water needs. Contact us today for more information.